PROCESS AS PRAXIS: lunar & planetary cycles as a model for observing and honoring sacred practice
PROCESS AS PRAXIS: lunar & planetary cycles as a model for observing and honoring sacred process
[this workshop was originally taught live on september 22nd, 2022 as a part of the cosmic calibration sophomore level astrology course]
the lunar phases offer a great entry point for examining the larger and lengthier storylines always in motion between any two transiting planets.
the luminaries’ process symbolizes a particular speed and foreground significance that is unmatched by any other planetary pair. however, the shape of their cycle together and how we as astrologers have learned to correlate that to the shape of process unfolding in our own lives & consciousness here on earth can be applied to the other processes happening on a larger scale as observed in the cycles & connection points of the other planets.
in part 1 (THE LUNAR CYCLE) of this workshop, participants orient (or re-orient) to the lunar cycle to better understand the shape of the cycle as a whole and the many moments within it based on aspect relationships between the sun and the moon plus the symbolism of the waxing and waning light. we look at:
- major and minor lunar phases
- the significance of the sun and the moon within their ongoing dialogue
- your natal lunar phase as a very prominent component of your birth chart and your nature
- a brief introduction to secondary progressed lunar phases as a marker for where you are in a larger life cycle
in part two (PLANETARY CYCLES), we apply the basic components of the lunar cycle to add depth and context to our understandings of planetary aspects via following other dual-planetary cycles. in this segment, we look at:
- the synodic cycles of mars, jupiter, saturn, and the outer planets
- a brief orientation to mercury & venus synodic cycles
- the scale of various dual planetary cycles
- the major aspects within any cycle as a primary structure for observing the unfolding process of planetary dialogues
- how to apply this way of working with aspects within larger contexts to your natal chart placements & transits to your chart.
this workshop focuses on astrological interpretive technique, but woven throughout is an invitation to observe, honor, and celebrate the process-based nature of our reality and to consider where this moment in linear time lands within the context the many unfolding processes in your life.
with the two parts combined, this workshop is 3 hrs 43 minutes.
this workshop is a part of the larger astrology offering: COSMIC CALIBRATION - ASTROLOGY FOR YOUR SELF. sign up for the sophomore level or the freshman/sophomore bundle to have access to this workshop and much more
workshop purchase includes:
- part 1 video: 2 hr 1 min
- part 3 video: 1 hr 42 min
- plus a 70 page PDF of the workshop slides with lots of helpful graphics and information.
this recording does not have closed captioning or transcription available as of yet. if you'd like to be notified when these become available, please email
purchasing this workshop replay will grant you: access to the 3 hr 43 m lecture, and the PDF of the workshop slides